
Atención y asesoría


Consultancy, counseling and management administrative, juridical or migratory matters, and visa requests for any country in the world.

Jobs abroad

We have a complete data base of trained people ready to work abroad.


Coordination or mediation with governmental institutions or in private sector.


Workshops, conferences, forums and courses of training.

Operation process

to achieve quality


We completely review files,labor and moral wellness of the concerned ones to raise the probabilities of visa approval

Personal recruiting

We perform research, training and tests to guarantee that the selected ones are the right ones for each position, that they have the labor experience and the necessary abilities so that the enterprise performs successful investments.

Regularized documentation

We avoid the transfer of a person to a border if it has an incorrect migratorystatus (previous review of migratory record).


We establish a commitment with the selected person, its family and the corresponding authority to fully honor the agreement on time, form and space. This has generate positive results to employees and employers.



We add value to the process of hiring by teaching a previous course:

We deliver an achievement diploma sent by a well known and official institution.

The training is provided by professionals on the interested area.

It has no cost and is commonly taught on their communities.

Promoting rehiring it’s favorable to everyone involved.

The consultancy and advising do not generate fees.

The contributions are minimal and they are validated according to every concrete situation.